I don’t NEED anything, but some things are good to have for various reasons.
- M&Ms (peanut & peanut butter)
- Chinese ramen & other Asian snacks
- Non-perishable foods (candy! or any dry goods from Trader Joe’s!)
- Raisins, jell-o packets, peanut butter (Skippy Extra Chunky), fruit Mentos, trail mix…
- Gatorade, Crystal Light (or other) single serving powder drink packets
- Salty Snacks (Cheerio salty mix, Doritos, Flavor Blasted Goldfish, etc.)
- Dry Parmesan Cheese
- Maple Syrup
- Air freshner/scented candle
- Tea and coffee
- Back issues of the Economist or other publications (Vogue, The New Yorker, Budget Traveler)
- Luna/Cliff Bar (or other energy protein bars)
- (Used) books you think I’d like (or on my Amazon wish list) – I’ll take them in all 3 languages: Chinese, English & French!
- Burned CDs of music
- DVDs (Any TV show or movie that has French voiceover and English subtitle!)
Amazon.com ships to Cameroon and their shipments have insurance! Something to think about!
More coming soon!
Merci Beaucoup!!
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